Login Page With Video Effect | Best Animated Login Page in HTML, CSS

 Login Page With Video Effect | Best Animated Login Page in HTML, CSS 


Here is the Code:

1. HTML Code :

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <link rel="website icon" type="png"
href="./assets/img/Untold Coding.png" />

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/styles.css" />

    <title>login form - untoldcoding</title>
    <div class="login">
      <video id="video1" autoplay muted loop>
        <source src=".//assets/video/video.mp4"
type="video/mp4" />
      <audio controls autoplay loop>
        <source src=".//assets/mp3/video.mp3"
type="audio/mpeg" />
      <form action="" class="form">
        <h1 class="head">Login</h1>

        <div class="content">
          <div class="box">
            <i class="ri-user-3-line

            <div class="box-input">
                placeholder=" "
              <label for="login-email"

          <div class="box">
            <i class="ri-lock-2-line

            <div class="box-input">
                placeholder=" "
              <label for="login-pass"
              <i class="ri-eye-off-line
login__eye" id="login-eye"></i>

        <div class="tick">
          <div class="tick-group">
            <input type="checkbox" class="tick-input"
id="login-check" />
            <label for="login-check"
class="tick-label">Remember me</label>

          <a href="#" class="forgot">Forgot

        <button type="submit" class="button">

        <p class="register">Don't have an account?
<a href="#">Register</a></p>

    <script src="assets/js/main.js"></script>

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) on Login Page with Video Effect in HTML and CSS

1. What is a Login Page with Video Effect?

A Login Page with Video Effect is a visually dynamic and engaging interface designed for user authentication, incorporating a background video element to enhance the visual appeal and interactivity of the login experience. The video effect adds a captivating element to the traditional login form, making it more immersive and memorable for users.

2. How does a Login Page with Video Effect work?

A Login Page with Video Effect typically features a background video element that plays automatically when the page loads, providing a dynamic backdrop for the login form. The video content may include animations, abstract visuals, or thematic imagery related to the website or application's branding. Users can interact with the login form as usual, while the video effect creates a visually compelling environment that enhances the overall user experience.

3. What are the key components required to create a Login Page with Video Effect in HTML and CSS?

To create a Login Page with Video Effect in HTML and CSS, you'll need:

  • HTML structure: Defines the layout of the login form, including input fields for username and password.
  • CSS styling: Applies visual styles to the login form and background video element, including positioning, sizing, and overlay effects.
  • JavaScript (optional): Can be used to add additional functionality or interactivity to the login page, such as form validation or custom animations. However, the video effect can be achieved using HTML and CSS alone.

4. Can I customize the background video content and appearance in a Login Page with Video Effect?

Yes, the background video content and appearance can be customized to match the branding and design aesthetics of the website or application. You can choose or create video content that aligns with your brand identity and message, and adjust visual properties such as playback speed, opacity, and blending modes to achieve the desired effect. Additionally, CSS styles can be applied to the video element to control its position, size, and overlay effects.

5. Are there any performance considerations when using a background video in a Login Page with Video Effect?

Yes, performance considerations should be taken into account when using a background video, particularly in terms of file size and loading time. To optimize performance, use video formats that are compatible with most browsers (such as MP4 or WebM), compress video files to reduce file size, and consider using video hosting services or content delivery networks (CDNs) to improve loading speed and bandwidth efficiency.

6. Is a Login Page with Video Effect suitable for all types of websites or applications?

While a Login Page with Video Effect can add visual interest and interactivity to many types of websites or applications, it may not be suitable for all use cases. Consider factors such as the target audience, branding strategy, and overall design objectives when deciding whether to implement a background video effect for the login page. Additionally, ensure that the video content aligns with the website or application's theme and purpose.

7. Can I access templates or code snippets for creating a Login Page with Video Effect?

Yes, there are numerous templates, code snippets, and tutorials available online that demonstrate how to create a Login Page with Video Effect using HTML, CSS, and optionally JavaScript. These resources often provide step-by-step instructions, code examples, and downloadable files to help you implement the video effect in your own login pages.

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