Building a Barcode Generator Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript | barcode generator | #untoldcoding

Building a Barcode Generator Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

In this blog post we will explore the fascinating world of barcodes and walk you through building your own Barcode Generator using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Barcodes are ubiquitous in the modern world, enabling fast and accurate data retrieval. Let’s dive into the process of creating a simple yet powerful Barcode Generator.

Why build a barcode generator?

Barcodes are important tools for inventory, retail, and various other industries. Having a Barcode Generator on your website or application allows you to generate dynamic barcodes for products, IDs, or any other data that you need to encode. It is a flexible and versatile tool that can simplify processes and increase productivity.

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Step 1 HTML Code :

The <head> section contains metadata about the document.
The <meta charset="utf-8" /> tag specifies the character encoding as UTF-8, which is the most widely used character encoding for web-based content.
The <title> tag sets the title of the HTML document, which is displayed in the browser tab or title bar.
The <link> tag links an external stylesheet (style.css) to the HTML document for styling.
The <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> tag configures the type of viewport, ensuring that it is rendered correctly on different devices. It sets the width of the device and the width of the initial parameter to 1.0.
The <body> section contains the content of the HTML document.
<div class="wrapper"> Acts as a repository for all the content.
Inside the wrapper is a <header> called <h1> named "QR Code Generator".
The <div class="form"> contains an input field for entering text or a URL and a button for generating a QR code.
Another <div class="qr-code"> contains an <img> tag with an initial source attribute of an empty string. Here the generated QR code image will be displayed.
Finally, there is a <script> tag that links the external JavaScript file (script.js) to the HTML document, which may have the logic to generate the QR code.

Step 2 CSS Code:

Step 3 JS Code :

const wrapper = document.querySelector(".wrapper"): Specifies a DOM element of class "wrapper" and assigns a constant wrapper. This element represents a container in which all the content is stored.
const qrInput = wrapper.querySelector(".form input"): Searches for the input element in the element with the "form" class (nested in the wrapper) and assigns the constant variable qrInput

const generateBtn = wrapper.querySelector(".form button"): finds the button element in the element with the "form" class and assigns it to the constant variable generateBtn.

const qrImg = wrapper.querySelector(".qr-code img"): Finds an image element in an element of the "qr-code" class and assigns the constant qrImg.

let preValue;: Declares a variable preValue without initializing a value. This variable is used to store the previous value entered in the input field.

generateBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { ... }): Adds a click event listener to the generateBtn button. When you click the button, the corresponding operation is executed.

let qrValue = qrInput.value.trim();: Gets the trimmed value from the input field and assigns it to the qrValue variable.

if (!qrValue || preValue === qrValue) return;: Check if qrValue is empty or equal to previous value (preValue). If either condition is true, the function returns, and the QR code generation process is not executed.

preValue = qrValue;: Updates the preValue with the current qrValue.

generateBtn.innerText = "It's a QR code...";: Change the text of the button to indicate that the QR code is being generated.

qrImg.src = ...;: Set the source of the qrImg image element to an active QR code image using the QRServer API. The qrValue API is added to the URL to add data to the QR code.

qrImg.addEventListener("load", () => { ... });: Listen for the "load" event on the QR code image. When the image loads, it adds the "active" class to the wrapper element, makes it visible, and updates the button text again to "Generate QR Code".
qrInput.addEventListener("keyup", () => { ... });: Add a keyup event listener to the qrInput input field. When the key is released, the corresponding operation is executed.

if (!qrInput.value.trim()) { ... }: Check if the trimmed value of the input field is empty. If so, it removes the "active" class from the wrapper element, hides it, and returns the preValue to an empty string.

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