To-DO List Using HTML, CSS, JS | To do List with Source code | #untoldcoding

 To-DO List Using HTML, CSS, JS | To do List with Source code | #untoldcoding

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To create To-DO List , you have to follow 3 Steps

Unlock your productivity: Creating to-do lists with HTML, CSS, and JS

In today’s fast-paced world, planning is of utmost importance. We’re bombarded with countless tasks every day, so it’s easy to get overwhelmed and miss out on important responsibilities. Enter the humble to-do list – a powerful tool that helps us manage our projects more effectively and increase productivity. In this blog, we’ll explore how to create simple yet effective to-do lists using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Why create your own to-do list?

While there are countless to-do list apps out there, making your own comes with a host of benefits:

Customize: Tailor your to-do list to your specific needs and preferences.

Learning Opportunity: Gain a deeper understanding of web development by building a business from scratch.

Control: Ensure your data privacy by storing your work locally on your device.

Flexibility: Modify and expand activity as you see fit.

Getting Started: Configuring the HTML layout

Let’s get into the rules! We’ll start by creating the basic layout of our system using HTML:

Step 1 Html Code:

Step 2 CSS Code

File name should be style.css

Step 3 JavaScript Code :

file name should be untoldcoding.js

This JavaScript code listens to the click on the "Add Task" button, retrieves the value from the input field, creates a new list item (<li>), adds it to the unsorted list, and deletes the input field What remains about, it allows users to click and remove tasks.
Reviewing your schedule
To view your to-do list, simply open the HTML file in a web browser. You should see an empty input field, button, and list. Try adding tasks by typing in the input field and clicking "Add Task". You can also remove tasks by clicking on it.

Congratulations to you! You just created your to-do list with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This service not only enhances your web development skills but also gives you your own tool to manage your projects more efficiently. Feel free to modify and expand this work according to your own needs. Be organized, productive, and keep coding!
Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one click – so start marking those tasks and unlock your true potential!

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FAQ: To create structured projects with HTML, CSS, and JS

Q: What is the plan?
A: A to-do list is a tool for organizing tasks, prioritizing activities, and tracking accountability. It helps individuals manage their time and ensures important tasks are completed on time.

Q: Why would you use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a structured project?
A: Using this to-do technology allows for flexibility and flexible solutions to suit individual needs. It also gives web development enthusiasts the learning opportunity to build a business from scratch and gain a deeper understanding of front end development

Q: Can I customize the layout?
A: Yes, absolutely! The CSS code provided can be modified to change the colors, fonts, layout, and overall orientation of the task table to suit your preferences and branding.

Q: Can additional items be added to the to-do list?
A: Of course! You can extend functionality by adding things like task groups, due dates, task priorities, task switching, and even data persistence using local storage or backend databases

Q: How can I add these to-do items to an existing website?
A: You can copy the HTML layout, CSS methods, and JavaScript code to your project files to put together the to-do items in your website. Make sure the necessary CSS and JavaScript files are integrated correctly, and change the look and functionality as needed to blend seamlessly with your existing website

Q: Can I collaborate on projects using this program?
A: While these basic services are designed for individual use and you store services locally on the user’s device, you can extend its functionality to support collaboration by using different features

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